2021 Art Show

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When the pandemic required BCAA to cancel the Art Show last year, we felt as though we had lost a dear friend. The 2020 art show would have been the 56th event in our long history, and we missed the planning, the excitement, the collaboration and—most of all—the amazing array of work from artists in Virginia and the surrounding states. It was heartbreaking.

Now, about a year after canceling the 2020 art show, we are beginning to plan for 2021, so please Save the Date: July 17 – 25. We expect the show to return to Valley Elementary School in Hot Springs, as before.

If you’re an artist wanting to participate in the Art Show, we’ll be putting out a Call for Artists in just a few weeks. In the meantime, sign up for our mailing list to be notified when we have submission details. As in the past, this is a non-juried show open to all artists over age 18. Plus, we once again expect to offer about $10,000 in prizes.


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